Report of Dialogue #2

Below is the programme from the Global Transition 2012 Dialogue #2.  Each of the hyperlinks will take you to a new page where there is a write up from each session as well as the power point presentations, where these were used.

We are in the process of developing an interactive online hub for participants of the Dialogue and others so that the dialogue can continue in the lead up to Rio+20 and beyond.

Thank you to all who attended the Dialogue and for those who weren’t able to make it, we hope that the write up gives you a flavour of the two days.

After searching on the website, if you still can’t find what you are looking for, please email: [email protected] and we will try and answer your query.

Do remember to also follow the blog and send some content in to us of you have a perspective you would like to share.

DAY ONE: SATURDAY 17 MARCH, 13.30 – 18.00, followed by an evening reception

SCENE SETTING: where are we in both policy terms and on the ground?

13.30 – 14.00 Welcome Setting the scene Overview of the two day
  • Derek Osborn (Co-chair of Rio +5, former DG of UK Environment Ministry)
  • Kirsty Schneeberger (Global Transition Coordinator)


14.00 – 15.00 Can the ‘green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication’ really deliver?
  • Soledad Ghione (Latin American Center of Social Ecology)
  • Veerle Vanderweed (Director of the Group of Energy and Environment, UNDP)
  • Victoria Johnson (Head of Energy and Climate, new economics foundation)
  • Tara Rao (Lead author, Danish 92 group)
  • Chair: Aron Belinky (Coordinator, International Processes, Vitae Civilis)
15.15 – 16.15 Stories of the emerging new economy: Presenting stories of new and green economy initiatives from around the world. A grass roots approach
  • Nicole Leotaud (CANARI)
  • Aron Belinky (Coordinator, International Processes, Vitae Civilis)
  • Vijay Chaturvedi (Development Alternatives)
  • Carina Millstone (Program Director New Economics Institute)
  • Arturo Santos (International Union for Conservation of Nature)
  • Chair: Liz Thompson (Executive Coordinator, Rio +20)


16.15 – 17.30 Principles for a new economy: how will they underpin the transition and why they are important. 
  • Oliver Greenfield (Green Economy Coalition)
  • Anabella Rosemberg (ITUC)
  • Rick Clugstone (Earth Charter)
  • Chair: Jeff Huffines (CIVICUS UN Representative)


17.30 – 18.00 Wrap up session: a synthesis of the day’s achievements
  • Feedback from chairs of roundtable discussions
  • Derek Osborn: (Co-chair of Rio +5, former DG of UK Environment Ministry)

Evening reception and key note address by Liz Thompson (Executive Coordinator, Rio+20)


DAY TWO: 18th March, 10.30-16.00

THE NEW ECONOMY IN PRACTICE: Practical development of the Rio +20 green economy initiatives

10:30 – 10:45 Refresh of Day One Overview and plan for Day Two
  • Derek Osborn (Co-chair of Rio +5, former DG of UK Environment Ministry)
  • Kirsty Schneeberger (Global Transition Coordinator)
10.45 – 11.45 Enabling conditions: How to foster a green transition, including learning and skills development, and transparent and participatory governance? A systemic exploration of barriers to change and addressing them.
  • Daniel Abreu (National Climate Change Council of the Dominican Republic)
  • Paul Dickinson (Chairman, Carbon Disclosure Project)
  • Fulai Sheng (Senior Economist at UNEP’s Economics and Trade Branch)
  • Chair: Roshni Dave (Training Associate UNITAR)
11.45 – 13.00 Roundtables Focussed roundtable discussions around key areas relating to the green economy: Sustainable Consumption & Production, Energy, Green jobs, Financial reform,  Food,  Cities, & Water
  • Facilitator offers a short presentation
  • Input from table participants
14.00 – 15.00 Knowledge sharing, mapping the green economy, and what next?: Developing thinking around an international knowledge sharing platform to support policy and action in countries, hosting for example, toolkits. Do we need a roadmap? 


  • Cameron Allen (Associate expert – Green Economy, UN DESA)
  • Farooq Ullah (Head of Policy and Advocacy, Stakeholder Forum)
15.00 – 15.15 Reflections on the day and moving forward into the informals and intersessionals
  • Nis Christensen (Chief Advisor to the Minister – Head of Rio+20 Secretariat, Danish Government)
15.15 – 15.45 Wrap up session: a synthesis of the day’s achievements
  • Feedback from roundtables
  • Derek Osborn (Co-chair of Rio +5, former DG of UK Environment Ministry)
15.45 Closing remarks and thanks
  • Dr Greg Julian (Pace University)
  • Kirsty Schneeberger (Global Transition 2012 coordinator)




The views expressed by bloggers express their views and opinions. The articles posted have been reviewed for content. This blog does not necessarily reflect the view or positions of nef.

About Us

Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future, nef (the New Economics Foundation) and New Economics Institute are working in partnership to catalyse the Global Transition 2012 initiative.

New Economics Institute Stakeholder Forum NEF

Our Sponsors

The first and second Global Transition Dialogues have been made possible by the generous support of the VELUX Foundations; and the broader initiative activities are made possible by the generous support of the Ford Foundation

Velux Ford Foundation