Wrap up, Day 1


Table 1

  • Transforming the economy by redefining growth and development based on a strong, clear vision and principles
  • Vision: one planet living, happy, healthy lives within carrying capacity of the planet
  • Principle: no speculation, which disconnects the economy from the people
  • Principle: green economies
  • Principle: we need to become citizens not consumers

Table 2

  • Translate and update the MDFs as SDGs for short term goals at national, subnational, and municipal levels
  • Bias for action via technology, finance and civic engagement
  • Systemic and subsidiary approach for people, planet and prosperity with local to global perspectives
  • Social innovation as key to integrated economies
  • Real time metrics portfolio on key indicators to drive solution distribution

Table 3

  • Stop internal fighting on green economy, building alliances to fight the real enemy which is the current economic paradigm
  • Empowerment and democratic planning
  • Don’t get fixed on terminology but on objectives, means of implementation and deliverables. Move beyond definition and principles
  • In order to get short-term outcomes: re-directing investments (private and public) through shifting incentives for right investments.  Social protection floor is a reality
  • International decision-making delivering in all countries.  More democratic and inclusive international and environmental governance

Table 4

  • Can the GE deliver? Need to clarify what results we want, prioritise them, and negotiate trade-offs among them
  • Need to focus on implementation and action – get specific on how to ‘roll out the concepts’
  • Need to transform minds of economists – get charismatic champion to give facts and to inspire messengers
  • Transform consumer demand will drive transformation of the economy. Bottom-up, give communities resources and drive change
  • Need to engage leading economists to develop a real and clear economic alternative to the current model – a new school needs to be created
  • Need to effectively communicate the transformation in a massive way and to be grounded in strong civil society
  • Make transformation bottom up: transformation will be driven by people on the ground. They will need to be empowered, focus on bad communities

Table 5

  • Locally relevant – using available resources and sustainable
  • building local skills and livelihoods
  • Accountability to underpin any green economic practices: maintaining transparency and measure overall performance/productivity
  • maintaining diversity
  • developing a baseline where time is a variable
  • We need to be open to a trial and error approach
  • Principles, people and government must recognise and agree on the current principles original set by Rio.  New principles may be too much, and overlap.  Realise long term Vs short term principles

Table 6 

  • Equity – can’t have a green economy without
  • New multilateralism – move beyond multilateralism to globalisation new global institutions with a global consciousness
  • UN needs to become the United Globe
  • Need for new Global model of participation – improved governance at all levels
  • Sequencing – we need guiding (guide) principles, (process) objectives, (doing) implementation
  • Clarifying purpose of economy and using new indicators to measure prosperity – altruistic indicators
  • Use head, hands, and hearts

Table 7

  • Realise that Millennium consumption goals are an integral and complimentary part of fulfilling the MDGs
  • Values need to change for survival – if we don’t change we aren’t going to make it
  • Understand incentives and how we respond to them, both material and immaterial incentives
  • the foundation for change is learning, knowledge sharing, and access to information
  • balancing the short term needs and long term needs of society and the planet is important and must be consistently discussed and debated

Table 8

  • Societies value change at a grass roots level.  Creating resilient sustainable communities and sharing information faster than governments are moving
  • principle 10 is vital to the success of GE
  • pricing externalities, convergence and re regulation and investment in sound areas
  • Equity – contraction and convergence
  • SD goals: framework, more about what people need
  • vision and common goals – a shared vision – happy healthy lives within fair share
Table 9
  • Acceptance and commitment to ignite collective transformative action to care for our planet, each other and our interconnectedness
  • reducing ‘growth’
  • political will to propel us into the transition
  • accountability of businesses
  • beneficiary involvement
  • collective ambition
Table 10
  • If a green economy doesn’t deliver, then it isn’t a green economy
  • There is a limit to growth, must share equitably
  • there must be a return to ethical and spiritual principles
  • there are many different green economies all share inclusiveness
  • nature is already commoditized so how do we place a value on ecosystem services combined with how decisions get made in the market and by banks
Table 11
  • redefine growth to mean progress – extent to which the economy delivers
  • a model that really is inclusive rather than pretends to be
  • just one tool to deliver on theme of development
  • Engagement – want responsibility. Someone will always be unhappy but it is a sacrifice to save everything for all and then give up everything for one
  • scarcity in distribution
  • Growth happiness index

Table 12

  • change from the bottom up
  • revolution only happens through motivation.  Comes from the victims not from those who gain from status quo
  • need to balance the system
  • culture within cultures inside one community al different needs.  And ideal communally inside one economy close to impossible
  • can agree all the tools but only a few will work

Table 13

  • spark innovation on ways to prove it is not a need but a want
  • develop and aim towards short term goals with long term objectives
  • passion in belief
  • perspective: when see others suffering want to do something
  • must educate those that have power to make the change
  • to shift to an economy that must satisfy the needs of the largest population with a consciousness of impact on smaller populations

Table 14

  • Create awareness and increase level of consciousness.  Education of SD – to change mind set
  • strengthen civil society in the process of SD
  • democratisation of the economy
  • create ownership
  • we need a third path – the recognition and protection of the commons
Table 15
  • Green economy can deliver if the rights of nature are protected at the same time striving for economic growth
  • that local communities have legal recourse/redress mechanisms to defend them against predatory corporate behaviour
  • Equity must be at the heart of a just transition
  • Must question:  Who will benefit from the green economy?  The 1% or the 99%?
  • A monolithic green economy is wrong headed – need diversity of initiatives and democratisation


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Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future, nef (the New Economics Foundation) and New Economics Institute are working in partnership to catalyse the Global Transition 2012 initiative.

New Economics Institute Stakeholder Forum NEF

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The first and second Global Transition Dialogues have been made possible by the generous support of the VELUX Foundations; and the broader initiative activities are made possible by the generous support of the Ford Foundation

Velux Ford Foundation