Dialogue papers that will inform the discussions at Global Transition Dialogue #2 on the New Economy are available to download from the 5th of March, 2012. The papers will also be circulated to registered participants.
This document provides a number of resources on the Dialogue’s schedule, speakers and programme. Also included is a series of think pieces, background papers, and challenge papers, that will be useful from now until Rio+20 – and beyond.
The United Nations Environmental Programme will be launching a series of policy briefs on the green economy at the Dialogue. Theses are short four page briefing papers on key issues for the transformation towards the Green Economy. The full set of briefing papers can be found here, and include papers on: poverty reduction, advisory services, health, indicators, trade, finance, employment, and valuing nature.
- UNDP: Critical Elements for An Inclusive and Pro-poor Green Economy (please note that the document is a draft for discussion only)
This paper is a synthesis of existing information and knowledge related to green economy within and outside UNDP and is an input to UNDP’s approach to sustainable human development. The paper identifies the critical elements for making green economy inclusive and pro-poor.
This paper is the product of an independent, Southern drafting group commissioned by the Danish 92 Group. It lays out a Souther perspective on how a Green Economy as discussed in the Rio + 20 context must be designed to contribute to – rather than distract from – sustainable development.
- United Nations Division of Sustainable Development, A Green Economy Knowledge-Sharing Platform: Exploring Options
A potential deliverable that has emerged from the submissions to the Rio+20 compilation document is for the elaboration and implementation of country-specific green economy strategies or the mainstreaming of the green economy into existing development strategies. To assist with the development of such strategies, many submissions to the Zero Draft underline the need to share experiences, lessons learned and good practices with regard to the implementation of green economy policies. Some submissions go further to propose that Rio+20 should deliver a green economy knowledge-sharing platform or a toolbox, toolkit or menu of policy options. This paper explores the aims and objectives, governance arrangements and structural components that could make up a green economy knowledge-sharing platform.
This information note is intended to be a discussion paper around the proposal and will evolve as thinking develops in this area during – and outside of -informal discussions and negotiations.
At the UNEP Governing Council, thirty stakeholder organisations came together to draft a set of 9 principles for a green economy. These 9 principles were then opened up as an online consultation to generate wider input from global stakeholders. To date, 115 organisations from across the globe have contributed. The consultation will remain an open process until Rio 2012 whereby the Green Economy Coalition will be hosting a global workshop on how to catalyse and ensure the implementation of the principles for a green economy. This information note summarises the 9 green economy principles and presents some highlights from the consultation so far.
- Stakeholder Forum, Analysis of zero draft submissions: Briefings on roadmaps and principles
Using analysis of the official submissions to the Zero Draft, these briefing papers provide insight into two key concepts that have emerged in relation to the green economy: roadmaps and principles. The papers highlight the stakeholder groups that are engaged with these concepts, summarise the proposals that have been put forward, and explore how the discussions around green economy roadmaps and principles fit into the Outcome Document.
Presentations from the event
Day 1, Session 1: Can the ‘green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication’ deliver?
Day 1, Session 2: Stories of the emerging new economy
- Aron Belinky of Vitae Civilis Institute discusses the Brazilian Dialogues on the Green Economy
- Vijay Chaturvedi from Development Alternatives discusses TARAgram YATRA: Towards Green Economies Scalable solutions for people and our planet
- Nicole Leotaud of the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) discusses the dalogue process, ideas, and action towards a “new” model of economic development in the Caribbean
- The New Economics Institute’s Programme Director, Carina Millstone introduces a new interactive map of the emerging new economy
Day 1, Session 3: Principles for a new economy
- The Green Economy Coalition’s convenor, Oliver Greenfield discusses the emerging principles of the Green Economy
- Arturo Santos of the International Union for Conservation of Nature discusses strengthening local governance systems, to improve business climate in the Mesoamerican forest sector
Day 2, Session 1: Enabling conditions of the global tranistion to a new economy
Day 2, Session 3: Knowledge sharing and mapping the green economy
Outputs from the dialogue
Outputs from the dialogue will include a compilation of all the papers, a write up of the two days, and a Pocket Guide on the Global Transition to the new economy. These will be published on the Global Transition 2012 website approximately four weeks following Dialogue #2
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