On the 17th and 18th of March, at New York City’s Pace Univeristy, the Global Transtion 2012 partners will be hosting a dialogue. We are expecting a very exciting mix of delegates, and we hope this will be a provactive, and productive event in advance of the informal negotiations next week and the intersessionals the week after.
Purpose of the Dialogue
A Global Transition from an economy that is unsustainable to one that supports wellbeing, equality, and operates within environmental limits is essential to achieving sustainable development. The zero draft of the Rio + 20 process identified ‘the green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication’ as priority areas. Given this, the Global Transition Dialogue #2 will focus on practical and implementable approaches to these areas. The Dialogue will provide a forum for a range of actors to ‘cluster’ around these priority areas and develop thinking on how the transition can be achieved for each.
The Global Transition 2012 team looks forward to welcoming you to New York in a few days time.
Final event information
- Dialogue papers can be downloaded from here
- There are still a few tickets left for this event which can be registered for here.
Please note, however, we are unable to register delegates on the door. The online registration will close at 6am on the 17th of March for the first day, and 6am on the 18th of March for the second day.
- For information about the venue, and how to get to Pace University on Saturday or Sunday, please download the following document here.