Video: Beyond GDP – how can we measure progress?
Watch the video of the second Earth Debate held at London’s historic Natural History Museum where leading experts discuss GDP and alternatives ways to measure progress. Continue reading
Watch the video of the second Earth Debate held at London’s historic Natural History Museum where leading experts discuss GDP and alternatives ways to measure progress. Continue reading
Watch the video of the first Earth Debate held at London’s historic Natural History Museum where leading experts highlighted the importance of both recognising the value of nature, and putting this into a language that decision-makers understand. Continue reading
Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future, nef (the New Economics Foundation) and New Economics Institute are working in partnership to catalyse the Global Transition 2012 initiative.
New Economics Institute Stakeholder Forum NEFThe first and second Global Transition Dialogues have been made possible by the generous support of the VELUX Foundations; and the broader initiative activities are made possible by the generous support of the Ford Foundation
Velux Ford Foundation