As we move closer to the Earth Summit in June this year, more and more initiatives are being launched with the aim of pushing for ambitious, but necessary outcomes from the meeting.
This week saw the launch of the Regeneration Project, a collaboration between international think tank SustainAbility and Globescan, a search and public polling firm. Their project aims to develop a roadmap for sustainable development within the next generation, and centres around video interviews with the leading sustainability pioneers who helped frame the original United Nations’ Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and the Brundtland Report.
Their first video is shown below. While many of the experts recognise the shift in opinion since 1992, there is also a clear frustration with how far we’ve actually come, and far we still need to go.
With calls that the Zero Draft is lacking in both ambition and balance, this puts increasing pressure on the informal discussions taking place later this month and later in the year in the run up to Rio.